Performance Flowers

In a hurry, but want to show your special cast or crew member that you’re proud of

them? Secret Garden Floral has the answer! Shop their special selection of

Performance Flower Arrangements and have them delivered to the

Machickanee Box Office with no delivery fee!

Just click on one of the links above to make your flower purchasing worry-free!

Our Values and Vision

We are striving to become THE center for arts, culture, and entertainment in Oconto. That’s no simple task, as live theatre had its heyday about a century ago, but it’s a challenge we happily tackle. So to that end, we are focused on three primary principles.

Quality Productions

Nothing is more important to us than striving to present the highest quality productions we can for our patrons. We are focused on choosing scripts with meaningful stories and relatable characters. We believe that good storytelling will resonate with our audience and stick with them long after they leave the theatre. We hope our audience will be able to relate to the conflicts, decisions, and dilemmas faced by characters in stories and reflect upon how the story may have relevance in their own lives.

We challenge our artists to strive for continual self-improvement and host a variety of talent development workshops to help them elevate their talents and skills. Our motto is Passion, Pride, and Dedication!

Community Outreach

We are more than just a theatre. We host many other events throughout the year outside of our main theatrical productions, providing the people in our community with plenty of opportunities for diversions. We actively recruit artists of other disciplines to expand what we can offer to the community.

Sense of Family

We believe that a friendly atmosphere behind-the-scenes translates into better performances on stage. Our members participate together in numerous social and team-bonding events outside of the theatre. For most of us, the Machickanee Players are a second family, and the Park Avenue Theatre is a second home.